80 Surprising Facts About Color Blindness

Facts About Color Blindness

There are about 300,000,000 people in the world that are color blind. Many of these are men, but a large percentage are women. Contrary to what the public may think, though, the majority of color blind people have healthy eyesight. Color blindness is caused by a deficiency of one out of three types of cones in the eye. Most often it results from a lack of red cones. In this article I am going to recount some interesting facts about color blindness you never knew before.

Human Colorblind Fun Facts

Facts About Color Blindness

1. Color blindness is not an eye disease.
2. People with color blindness can see some colors, just not as many as others can.
3. People with color blindness aren’t necessarily colorblind to the same thing.
4. You can have a partial case of color blindness and only see certain colors in a certain way, for example as shades of another color rather than as one solid color.
5.It’s rare in women.
6.It is not a disability.
7.Color blindness can be caused by other health issues.
8. Color blindness is often a symptom of other diseases
9.There are different types of color blindness.
10.Red-green color blindness is the most common.
11.Blue-yellowcolor blindness is the second most common.
12.There are treatments for red-green color blindness but not blue-yellow color blindness.
13. There’s no cure for color blindness
14.One form of color blindness is considered a superpower.
15.Colorblindness can be diagnosed at birth, but other forms develop as people age.

Color Vision  and Animals

Facts About Color Blindness

16.Most mammals are color blind.
17.Humans have three types of color-sensing receptors (cone cells) in their eyes and most birds have four or five cone cells.
18.Birds can see all the colors of the rainbow if they want to.
19.Dogs & Cats both have dichromatic eyesight and are partially color blind in this respect. They can usually distinguish between blue and yellow, but reds and greens are beyond them
20.Squirrels, rabbits, rattlesnakes and basset hounds are all red-green color blind as well.
21.Red is a more dominant color than green and will be seen by animals with red-green color blindness before green is recognized.
22.Hamsters see primarily in shades of gray and blue.
23.Fish range widely in how they see colors; most see colors in the range between blue-green and ultraviolet light.
24.The most common color seen by goldfish is a shade of yellow.
25.The close relatives of humans, chimps and dolphins, do have trichromatic vision, and the ability to see a wide range of colors. This is possibly why humans can learn about sign language from chimps or dolphins.
26.Humans and horses are the only mammals that have red-green color blindness.
27.Komodo dragons are colorblind.
28.Sea lions are color blind.
29.Pteropodidae bats are colorblind.
30. Male monkeys that are color blind become leaders of their troop!

Color blind type Facts

31.Deuteranopia is a form of red-green color blindness which is  the most common form of colorblindness.deuteranopia  rarely occurs in females
32.Deuteranomaly is the second most common form of color blindness which have trouble distinguishing between red and green,deuteranomaly is caused by a mutation in the X chromosome
33.Protanopia is the most common type of color blindness, which  have trouble distinguishing between red, orange and yellow,protanopia is caused by a defect in the M-cone photopigment
34.Protanomaly is a form of red-green color blindness which have trouble distinguishing red from green,protanomaly is caused by a mutation in the red or green cone cells photopigments.
35.Tritanomaly is a form of color blindness in which there is a decreased sensitivity to blue light.
it is the rarest form of color blindness,people with this form of color blindness see red, green and blue as yellow.deuteranomaly is caused by a mutation in the X chromosome
36.Tritanopia is a rare form of color blindness which is inability to see the color red,tritanopia is caused by a genetic mutation in the gene OPN1SW
37.Total color blindness is extremely rare.

Color blind  and  Disease

38.Acquired color vision deficiency is caused by damage to the retina. It can be caused by retinal disease, optic nerve disease, brain disease or drug use.
39.Achromatopsia is a rare form of color blindness
40.Some colorblindness is caused by head trauma
41.Tetanus can make you color blind.
42.Tumors can cause color blindness. Tumors in the eye, or those anywhere in the body, can cause other health conditions and problems. This includes tumors that grow on the retina. Some of these tumors are cancerous and will spread to other parts of your body if not treated early enough. If you have a tumor growing inside your eyes, it could require surgery to remove it before it spreads too far and gets more dangerous to treat.
43.It’s estimated that less than 5 percent of people with aniridia have complete loss of color vision due to their lack of iris pigmentation; most people with aniridia have partial color blindness as one symptom among others related to vision problems caused by abnormal development during fetal stages.
44.Congenital stationary night blindness is a form of color vision deficiency (CVD) that is present at birth. It is also known as Achromatopsia and it causes a loss of color vision at night, but not during the day. This disease is rare and affects one in every 30,000 people in the United States alone.
45.Cone dystrophy is a rare form of color blindness that can affect one or more of the three cones in the eye. The condition is progressive and may eventually lead to complete loss of central vision.
Cone dystrophy is a rare form of color blindness that can affect one or more of the three cone cells in the eye. The condition is progressive and may eventually lead to complete loss of central vision.
46.Goldmann-Favre syndrome is a rare form of color blindness, which is a genetic condition that affects the retina. It is caused by mutations in the CEP290 gene. This gene helps control cell growth and division in the eye. Without it, some cells grow abnormally and others do not grow at all. The result is poor vision or complete blindness due to lack of sensory input from photoreceptor cells to the brain.
47.Eye damage from diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cataracts, macular degeneration, or retinal detachment can cause color blindness.
48.Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a hereditary disease that causes severe vision loss from birth. The disease is caused by mutations in the RPE65 gene, which is responsible for making an enzyme necessary for the development of the retina. Without this enzyme, cells in photoreceptors — the light-sensitive cells at the back of your eye — cannot convert light into signals that travel through nerve fibers to your brain. The lack of this protein causes cell death and retinal degeneration resulting in impaired sight or complete blindness with few exceptions.

Color blind cause by Genetic

Facts About Color Blindness

49.Genetic color blindness is most often carried on the X chromosome, because that chromosome determines gender.
50.Rarely, a mutation in another chromosome can cause color blindness.
51.Genetic colorblindness is something that is present at birth and a person has for their entire life.
52.Red-green color blindness can be inherited, but it can also occur spontaneously in later life.
53.Red-green color blindness is caused by the absence or malfunction of the red (or green) cones in the retina.
54.People can be born with a genetic mutation that causes colorblindness, or an injury to the head can result in damage to the retina or optic nerve, which can cause damage and thus lead to color vision deficiency.
55.People may also experience night blindness when they have genetic colorblindness.
56.If a woman has a genetic mutation that causes her to be red-green colorblind, she will not pass it on to her sons but she could pass it on to her daughters, who would be carriers of the mutated gene but not probably have any issues unless they married another carrier and their son inherited two mutated genes.

Color blind and Medicine

Facts About Color Blindness

57.Acetazolamide is a diuretic and it can cause color blindness. It’s used to treat glaucoma, seizures, and high blood pressure.
58.Aminophenazone is a commonly used drug in the treatment of fever and pain. However, it can also cause color blindness. If you are taking this medication and notice any changes in vision, talk to your doctor right away.
59.Color blindness is not severe but may be temporary. There is no treatment for it at this time, so if you experience any symptoms of color blindness while taking aminophenazone or another medicine that causes color blindness, such as sulfonamides or quinine derivatives (for example: Klacid® or Coartem®), see a doctor immediately.
60.Antimalarial medicines, such as chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, are the most common medicines that cause color blindness. These drugs are used to treat malaria and rheumatic diseases like lupus in addition to psoriasis.
61.Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine has been linked with an increase in color vision defects for some people who take it regularly for long periods of time (more than 6 months). This is because chloroquine destroys cells responsible for creating red light sensitivity in our eyes—the same cells that help us see green, blue and yellow colors well too. You might notice this as difficulty distinguishing between reds and greens/blues when driving at night or on dark roadsides where street lights are few and far between but there’s still plenty of ambient light pollution (from traffic signals etc.).
62.Dapsone can cause color blindness or other side effects such as headaches and blurred vision. You should take dapsone with food to avoid stomach upset if you experience these effects while taking this medication.
63.Ethambutol is an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis.It can cause the inability to distinguish between red and green.
64.Isoniazid can cause color blindness, which is a loss of vision in one or more colors on the visible spectrum (red, green, blue). 
Para-aminosalicylic acid is an antibiotic that is used to treat tuberculosis. It’s also used to treat acne, but the side effect of this medicine can be color-blindness. 
65.Phenothiazines are a class of antipsychotic drugs that can cause color-blindness. They’re used to treat schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, as well as nausea and vomiting.
66.Phenothiazines are more likely to cause color blindness in people who have never had the condition before. Most people who have been diagnosed with color blindness will not experience any further changes in their vision after taking phenothiazines for a long time.

Interesting Advantages of Colorblind

67.Colorblind people have better night vision

68.Colorblind people have better depth perception

69.Colorblind people have better peripheral vision

69.Colorblind people have more tolerance to pain, making them less susceptible to addictions

70.Colorblind people are better at seeing in the dark than non-colorblind individuals

71.Colorblind people are less likely to suffer from motion sickness (which is caused by the brain’s inability to process signals quickly enough) than non-colorblind individuals

72.Colorblind people are less likely to suffer from color-shock (when you see something that looks completely different from what it actually is) than non-colorblind individuals

73.Colorblind people are better able to distinguish between shades of white and black than non-colorblind individuals

74.Colorblind people can tell the difference between red and yellow more easily than non-colorblind individuals because this is an easier distinction for the brain to make (red has a longer wavelength than yellow)

75.They don’t get headaches from looking at screens or TVs all day long. This is because they’re less sensitive to bright lights, which can cause headaches, eye strain, and fatigue for those who can see colors clearly.

76.Colorblind people are better at seeing through camouflage clothing than those who aren’t colorblind, which is useful for soldiers when they’re trying to spot someone hiding in the bushes!

77.People who have red-green color vision deficiencies may react faster than others when it comes to driving cars, as they’re more likely to notice brake lights or stop signs ahead of time due to their heightened awareness of brightness and movement in the world around them.

78.Some studies have shown that musicians might be more likely to be colorblind than non-musicians because they need to focus on sounds instead of colors when performing music (or vice versa).

79.Colorblindness can be an advantage for people who work in the medical field.

80.Some people believe that being colorblind may give them an advantage in certain careers such as sales or marketing, but this is not true at all! Salespeople need to use all of their senses, including sight, so being colorblind will not help them in any way when selling products or services.

Our Mission

We are a team of passionate people who aim to make a difference in the lives of colorblind people. We believe in equality for all, including those with vision problems.

Our mission is to make life easier for those people who suffer from red-green color deficiency and their families. Covisn Color Blind Glasses is a website dedicated to helping people with this condition by providing them with information on different types of glasses, how they work and how to use them.


Often colorblindness is mentioned as a reason to discontinue a certain product or byproduct. While it’s true that people with a complete inability to see color don’t use certain products, it’s also important to remember those who enjoy certain items even though they can’t see the color. That’s why it’s so critical to know the facts about color blues, and recognize just how much of a role these play in our daily lives.

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