Zijn contactlenzen voor kleurenblindheid gunstig voor je militaire leven?

Contacten voor kleurenblindheid gunstig voor je militaire leven

As a member of the military, you should be aware of what options are available to you. If you have colorblindness, you may think that there isn’t much you can do about it, but did you know that kleurenblinde contacten exist? There are colorblindness glasses and contacts that could help make your life in the military simpler.

Types of colour blindness

Color blindness is a vision disorder in which a person has difficulty distinguishing between certain colors. While it’s often considered a minor problem, it can prove to be more problematic in some situations than others. For example, if you have red-green color deficiencies and are assigned to work with equipment or machinery that relies on color codes and indicators, your inability to see the difference between these two colors could pose serious dangers.

Color blindness occurs when there is an issue with the photoreceptors on your retina (rods and cones). These receptors allow you to see shades of grey as well as different colors that correspond with wavelength variations of light. The most common types of color blindness include:

  • Red-green color deficiency (most common)
  • Blue-yellow deficiency (rare)
  • Total color deficiency (rare)
  • Partial color deficiency (very rare).

Colorblindness may limit what types of jobs you can hold in the military.

Color blindness may limit what types of jobs you can hold in the military. Color blind people may have trouble with tasks such as reading maps and charts, which is a common requirement for many military positions. Some services may allow color blind individuals to enlist, but they will be restricted from certain duties that require clear vision. Color blind people may also find it difficult to distinguish between different colors of material or uniforms.

Military individuals seeking to enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces must pass a color vision examination as part of their entrance medical exam.

If you are a military individual seeking to enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces, you must pass a color vision examination as part of your entrance medical exam. The test is required for all branches of service and for all new recruits.

The color vision test, also known as an Ishihara kleurenblindheidstest (ICBT), is used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to screen applicants for service-related color deficiencies such as red-green colorblindness. If you fail this test, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will not be able to serve in the military—it just means that you may need additional training before being permitted access to sensitive information or equipment that could compromise national security if accessed by someone with impaired vision

color blind contacts benefits in military


The Navy requires individuals to pass the Hardy, Rand, and Rittler Test.

The Navy requires individuals who want to work in certain fields of the military to pass the Hardy, Rand, and Rittler Test. This test is a screening tool for kleurenblindheid (CVD) and is used to determine if an individual is able to pass the color vision test for military.

The Marine Corps utilizes the same test for its color vision screening, known as the HRR Pseudo Isochromatic Plates (PIP).

While the Army uses the Farnsworth D-15, the Marine Corps utilizes the same test for its color vision screening, known as the HRR Pseudo Isochromatic Plates (PIP). The HRR Pseudo Isochromatic Plates (PIP) is a test that is used by the Marine Corps to screen for color blindness.

The Coast Guard shares the same color blind test requirements as the Army

kleurenblinde contacten helpen om betere baan in leger te krijgen

The Coast Guard shares the same requirements as the Army, which includes performing well in the Farnsworth Lantern Test. This is a test that is used to determine if an individual is colorblind or not. The test is conducted by showing a person a series of colored lights. The individual will have to identify whether he sees a certain light or not and indicate it by raising his hand for yes or no answers.

The Coast Guard uses this test because if you are unable to distinguish between colors, then it may be difficult for you to read maps, charts and other important navigational materials on land or sea missions during night operations.

How color blind contacts benefits you in your military life

color blind contacts benefits in military


When it comes to the military and color blindness, it’s important to know that some tests are more difficult than others. For example, if you take one of these tests without any form of correction such as glasses or contacts (and maybe even with them), you might find yourself struggling to distinguish between different shades of green or red. This is because many people who suffer from red-green colorblindness see those hues as similar or even identical.

But what if we told you there was a way around this? You guessed right: Colorblind contacts! These lenses allow individuals suffering from red-green color blindness to differentiate between similar shades by giving them an advantage over their peers in such situations. They also help those who have trouble seeing in dim light by making everything brighter and clearer so they can easily pick up on details during training exercises like night combat missions where visibility is limited

  • Helps you to pass the color blind test for military.
kleurenblinde contacten helpen om betere baan in leger te krijgen

Are colorblind contacts beneficial to your military life? Yes! If you are going for a color blind test, the chances of passing it with these lenses are quite high. Since they correct the problem of red-green color blindness and make it much easier to differentiate between colors. However, if you don’t want to go in for this solution or are not sure if it will work out well with your job profile then we recommend that you try other alternatives like using colored glasses at work or just being aware of what colors go together when working on different projects.

  • Help them to see the colored signals more clearly.

Color blind contacts are useful for the military personnel, as they can help them to see the colored signals more clearly. The color blindness is caused by a defect in the cones or rods of your eyes, which is why you cannot distinguish between red, orange and yellow colors. However, this problem can be solved with colorblind contact lenses or glasses as they contain special filters that can help you distinguish between these colors.

For example, if you have red-green color blindness and your friend has blue-yellow color vision deficiency then he will not be able to see any signal when wearing normal sunglasses but with this kind of sunglasses on he would be able to do so easily because his vision will not get affected by its filter at all times when compared to yours who will lose some visibility due theirs being dark because it blocks out all light around it completely!

It also helps people with dyslexia as well since they tend not only towards seeing words backwards but also towards making spelling mistakes due lack of proper brain activity required during these situations.

  • Help read maps, charts and documents during missions.

If you are colorblind, you can read maps and charts, as well as other documents that have colors on them. You will be able to see the details of the maps because they are not all mixed up together. The colors of the map will not be blended into one another making it difficult for you to distinguish between each color on the chart or document.

This may help in completing your mission successfully since these objects are important tools for navigation purposes in military life.

  • Helpful in performing better than normal with color blind contacts

The colorblind contact lenses are very helpful in performing better than normal with color blind contacts. They can be used by the military personnel who are required to distinguish between various colored signals and perform their duty with ease.

  • Help you get a higher position in military

The color vision deficiency is a common problem among the people in military. The condition makes it difficult for them to perform the tasks at their peak performance level. However, with the help of the color blind contacts, you can get a higher position in military and perform better than normal. These glasses are useful for the personnel as they help them see colored signals more clearly.

  • Help In Stronger Focus

What are the benefits of colorblind people wearing color blind contacts? For starters, it helps them to see the colors more clearly. This is especially beneficial for those who have trouble passing the visual acuity test for their military life. By seeing the colors more clearly, you can perform better and pass with flying colors! This can also be helpful for those taking a driving test if they have been issued a vision restriction due to their color blindness.

Color blind contact lenses are sure to make your next eye exam easier than ever before!

  • Help No Color Distortion

Colorblindness contacts will not distort colors. The lenses are designed to help you see colors more clearly. For example, if you have trouble seeing red or green hues, the lens may be designed to improve your ability to differentiate between them (which is what it would look like if you had normal vision).

While these lenses cannot change your color perception and make colors appear brighter or darker than they really are, they can help people with certain types of color blindness distinguish between them more easily by using different wavelengths of light that correspond with the colors we see as red and green.

  • A More Seamless Solution Than Color Blind Glasses.

If you’re looking for a more seamless solution than traditional color blind glasses, color blind contacts may be the best option for you. The contacts provide a more natural look and feel than glasses can. They are easier to wear because they are not as noticeable and are much more comfortable than wearing heavy prescription glasses all day. Plus, they’re discrete enough that when you’re off duty, no one will know that you are wearing them!

  • Help Wider View
kleurenblinde contacten helpen om betere baan in leger te krijgen

You may look at color blindness contacts as an additional tool to help you with your vision. As it’s a medical condition, you can use these colored lenses to get a wider view of the world. It will help you see better and be able to distinguish between different colors clearly.

Color blind contacts are a great way to improve visual clarity and make it easier for people with color blindness to differentiate between different shades of blue, green and red when they look at the world around them. The use of colored contact lenses has been proven effective in improving vision problems associated with red-green color blindness since they help provide more contrast between similar shades which makes them easier for people who have this deficiency

It saves your time and money because it is easy to buy with affordable prices.

Color blindness contacts are affordable. You can buy them online, and they are easy to use. You can buy them in bulk and use them for a long time. They’re also easy to clean and store, which makes it more convenient for your military life because you don’t have to worry about anything else but your daily tasks.

Vaak gestelde vragen

Can you be a fighter pilot if you are colorblind?

“Imagine soaring through the skies, your eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger. Suddenly, you spot an enemy aircraft, and it’s up to you to take evasive action and protect your fellow soldiers on the ground. This is the thrilling reality for fighter pilots in the military.

However, for individuals with colorblindness, the ability to accurately identify the colors of enemy aircraft or ground targets can be a challenge. While some types of colorblindness may not disqualify individuals from becoming fighter pilots, others may prevent them from being able to effectively perform the job duties.

In the end, it all comes down to the severity and type of colorblindness. If an individual’s colorblindness is mild and does not interfere with their ability to accurately identify colors, they may still have a chance to become a fighter pilot. However, if their colorblindness is more severe and could potentially put themselves or others in danger, they may not be able to pursue this career path.

So, while it’s possible for colorblind individuals to become fighter pilots in some cases, it’s important to remember that the safety and effectiveness of military operations is always the top priority.”

How to pass farnsworth lantern test?

The Farnsworth Lantern Test (FLT) is a color vision test that is used by the military to evaluate color vision deficiencies in personnel. Passing the FLT is critical for military personnel with color vision deficiencies, as it can impact their ability to perform certain tasks accurately. Here are some unique and creative tips that may help individuals with color vision deficiencies pass the FLT:

  1. Visualize the colors: Before taking the test, try to visualize the colors in your mind. Close your eyes and imagine different shades of red, green, and white. This exercise can help you better distinguish between the colors during the test.
  2. Get plenty of rest: Being well-rested can have a significant impact on your ability to perform well on the FLT. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep before taking the test, so you are alert and focused.
  3. Practice makes perfect: You can improve your color vision and increase your chances of passing the FLT by practicing color recognition exercises. There are many apps and online resources available that offer color vision tests and training exercises.
  4. Adjust your lighting: The lighting in the room can affect your ability to distinguish colors. Try adjusting the brightness and color temperature of your computer monitor or the lighting in the room to see if it helps you distinguish the colors better.
  5. Relax and take your time: Don’t rush through the FLT. Take your time, relax, and focus on each color individually. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t pass the first time. Keep practicing, and you’ll get better with time.

For passing the FLT is not just about having good color vision. It also requires concentration, focus, and a calm, relaxed state of mind. By following these unique and creative tips, you can improve your chances of passing the FLT and achieving your goals.

How to pass HRR color test?

The HRR color vision test is used by the military to assess color vision deficiencies, which can be a critical factor in military operations. Passing the HRR color test requires a combination of visual acuity, color discrimination, and attention to detail. Here are some unique and creative tips that may help individuals with color vision deficiencies pass the HRR color test:

  1. Develop color memory: One way to improve color discrimination is to develop a stronger color memory. To do this, spend time studying and memorizing colors in everyday objects, such as stop signs, traffic lights, and common household items. You can also practice matching colors with objects or images, which can help you develop a better understanding of color relationships.
  2. Try different lighting: The HRR color test is administered under controlled lighting conditions. However, individuals with color vision deficiencies may have difficulty distinguishing colors in certain lighting conditions. Experiment with different lighting conditions to determine which conditions work best for you. For example, try testing yourself under natural daylight or using special color-correcting lenses.
  3. Use visualization techniques: Visualization techniques can help individuals with color vision deficiencies distinguish between colors. For example, try associating certain colors with specific shapes or patterns. Visualize these shapes or patterns when you see colors, which can help you distinguish between similar colors more easily.
  4. Take your time: The HRR color test requires careful attention to detail. Take your time when taking the test, and focus on each color individually. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t pass the first time. Keep practicing and refining your color discrimination skills.
  5. Consider color vision correction: For individuals with severe color vision deficiencies, color vision correction may be an option. There are several color-correcting lenses and glasses available that can enhance color discrimination and improve color vision.

Passing the HRR color test is essential for military personnel with color vision deficiencies. By utilizing these unique and creative tips, individuals with color vision deficiencies can improve their color discrimination skills and increase their chances of passing the HRR color test.

How to pass army color blindness test?

The Army Color Blindness Test is a visual acuity test used to determine an individual’s ability to identify colors, which is crucial for many military operations.

Here are some unique and creative tips that may help individuals with color vision deficiencies pass the Army Color Blindness Test:

  1. Use color correction glasses or contacts: Color correction glasses /contacts are specialized lenses that can help individuals with color vision deficiencies identify colors more accurately. These glasses /contacts can help enhance color contrast and make it easier to distinguish between similar colors.
  2. Memorize color patterns: Try to memorize common color patterns, such as red and green lights, which are often used in military operations. By memorizing these color patterns, you can use context clues to identify colors that you may have difficulty distinguishing on their own.
  3. Practice with color vision tests: There are several color vision tests available online that you can use to practice identifying colors. These tests can help you identify your specific color vision deficiency and work on improving your color discrimination skills.
  4. Use technology: There are several apps available that can help you identify colors using your smartphone or tablet. These apps often use augmented reality or other visual cues to help you distinguish between similar colors.
  5. Work with a specialist: If you are struggling to pass the Army Color Blindness Test, consider working with a specialist in color vision deficiencies. A specialist can help you identify your specific color vision deficiency and develop a customized training program to improve your color discrimination skills.

Where to find farnsworth d-15 test near me?

If you’re looking to find a Farnsworth D-15 test near you, there are a few unique and creative options to consider:

  1. Contact your local VA hospital: Many VA hospitals offer vision testing, including the Farnsworth D-15 test. Contact your local VA hospital to see if they offer this test and to schedule an appointment.
  2. Check with your military unit: If you are in the military, check with your unit to see if they offer vision testing, including the Farnsworth D-15 test. Many military units have medical personnel on staff who can administer this test.
  3. Contact a local optometrist or ophthalmologist: Many optometrists and ophthalmologists offer vision testing services, including the Farnsworth D-15 test. Contact a local eye doctor to see if they offer this test and to schedule an appointment.
  4. Look for online testing options: There are several online testing options available for the Farnsworth D-15 test. While online testing may not be as accurate as in-person testing, it can still provide a general indication of your color vision abilities.
  5. Contact the manufacturer of the test: The Farnsworth D-15 test is manufactured by several companies, including Richmond Products and LKC Technologies. Contact the manufacturer of the test to see if they can provide a list of local distributors or testing facilities.

What is navy eod asvab requirements?

The Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) community is a highly specialized and elite force that requires colorblindness to meet specific ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) requirements. Here are some unique and creative insights into the Navy EOD ASVAB requirements:

  1. Mechanical aptitude: The Navy EOD community requires individuals to have a strong mechanical aptitude, which is the ability to understand and work with mechanical systems and machinery. This is essential for the safe and effective handling of explosives and ordnance.
  2. Electrical aptitude: The Navy EOD community also requires individuals to have a strong electrical aptitude, which is the ability to understand and work with electrical systems and circuits. This is important for the safe and effective use of electronic countermeasures and other specialized equipment.
  3. General Science: The Navy EOD community requires individuals to have a strong background in General Science, which includes knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science. This is essential for understanding the properties and behavior of explosive materials.
  4. Arithmetic reasoning: The Navy EOD community requires individuals to have strong arithmetic reasoning skills, which is the ability to solve mathematical problems involving numbers, symbols, and equations. This is important for performing calculations related to explosives and ordnance.
  5. Verbal expression: The Navy EOD community requires individuals to have strong verbal expression skills, which is the ability to communicate effectively in speaking and writing. This is essential for providing clear and concise instructions to team members and communicating with other units.
  6. Color vision: The Navy EOD community also requires individuals to have normal color vision or can pass the Farnsworth D-15 color vision test. This is important for identifying colored wires and other components when working with electronic devices.

What are navy jobs for color blind?

While there are some Navy jobs that may require normal color vision, there are still plenty of opportunities for colorblind individuals in the Navy.

  1. Hospital Corpsman: Hospital Corpsman in the Navy are responsible for providing medical care to sailors and Marines. This job does not require normal color vision, but it does require a strong understanding of anatomy, physiology, and emergency medical procedures.
  2. Cryptologic Technician: Cryptologic Technicians in the Navy are responsible for analyzing and interpreting electronic communications. While some aspects of this job may require normal color vision, there are still many areas where colorblind individuals can excel.
  3. Yeoman: Yeomen in the Navy are responsible for administrative tasks such as record keeping, personnel management, and clerical duties. This job does not require normal color vision but does require strong organizational and communication skills.
  4. Culinary Specialist: Culinary Specialists in the Navy are responsible for preparing meals for sailors and Marines. This job does not require normal color vision but does require a strong understanding of food preparation and culinary techniques.
  5. Aviation Structural Mechanic: Aviation Structural Mechanics in the Navy are responsible for repairing and maintaining aircraft. While some aspects of this job may require normal color vision, there are still many areas where colorblind individuals can excel, such as structural repairs and engine maintenance.

By exploring these job opportunities, colorblindness can find the perfect fit for their skills and abilities in the Navy.

What are army jobs for color blind?

Peoples with color blindness may still be eligible for many military jobs, depending on the severity and type of color blindness they have. Some of the Army jobs that may be available for color blindness include:

  1. Infantry: Color blindness may not be a significant issue for infantry soldiers, as their job does not rely heavily on distinguishing between colors.
  2. Artillery Crewman: While artillery crewmen may need to distinguish between colors for certain tasks, such as reading maps, this job may still be available to individuals with color blindness depending on the type and severity of their color blindness.
  3. Combat Engineer: Combat engineers may need to distinguish between colors when working with explosives or handling chemical materials. However, accommodations may be available for individuals with certain types of color blindness.
  4. Military Police: Military police officers may not require strong color vision, as their job duties may not involve distinguishing between colors.
  5. Intelligence Analyst: While some aspects of intelligence analysis may require color vision, not all jobs in this field may be off-limits to individuals with color blindness.

What are airforce jobs for color blind?

  1. Aircraft Mechanic: Aircraft mechanics may not require strong color vision, as their job duties may not involve distinguishing between colors.
  2. Cyber Operations: Many positions in the cyber operations field may not require strong color vision, as the work is typically done on computers and does not involve distinguishing between colors.
  3. Air Traffic Control: While some aspects of air traffic control may require color vision, accommodations may be available for individuals with certain types of color blindness.
  4. Intelligence Analyst: Like in the Army, some aspects of intelligence analysis may require color vision, but not all jobs in this field may be off-limits to individuals with color blindness.
  5. Pararescue: Some roles in Pararescue, such as those involving search and rescue or medical support, may not require strong color vision. However, some tasks may require the ability to distinguish between certain colors.

What are marine jobs for color blind?

  1. Infantry: Like in the Army, color blindness may not be a significant issue for infantry Marines, as their job does not rely heavily on distinguishing between colors.
  2. Combat Engineer: Accommodations may be available for individuals with certain types of color blindness to work as combat engineers.
  3. Communications: Many positions in the communications field may not require strong color vision, as the work is typically done on computers and does not involve distinguishing between colors.
  4. Intelligence Analyst: Like in the Army and Air Force, some aspects of intelligence analysis may require color vision, but not all jobs in this field may be off-limits to individuals with color blindness.
  5. Logistics: Many positions in logistics, such as supply management or transportation, may not require strong color vision.

What are coast guard jobs for color blind?

  1. Boatswain’s Mate: While some tasks may require the ability to distinguish between certain colors, accommodations may be available for individuals with certain types of color blindness.
  2. Damage Controlman: Like in the Navy, damage controlmen may not require strong color vision, as their job duties may not involve distinguishing between colors.
  3. Intelligence Specialist: Like in the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, some aspects of intelligence analysis may require color vision, but not all jobs in this field may be off-limits to individuals with color blindness.
  4. Information Systems Technician: Many positions in the information systems field may not require strong color vision, as the work is typically done on computers and does not involve distinguishing between colors.
  5. Maritime Enforcement Specialist: Some aspects of the maritime enforcement field may require color vision, but accommodations may be available for individuals with certain types of color blindness.

What is army helicopter pilot color vision requirements?

Army helicopter pilots are required to have normal color vision or have been granted a waiver for color vision deficiencies. This is because color vision is critical to identifying various lights, signals, and displays in the cockpit, which are essential for safe flight operations.

If a potential pilot has a color vision deficiency, they may be evaluated using color vision tests, such as the Farnsworth Lantern Test or the HRR Color Vision Test. These tests assess the individual’s ability to distinguish between colors and identify color-coded information in the cockpit.

If a color vision deficiency is identified, the pilot may be referred for further evaluation by a military medical board to determine if a waiver is warranted. The waiver process takes into consideration factors such as the severity of the color vision deficiency, the pilot’s overall visual acuity, and the type of aircraft the pilot will be operating.

It is important to note that while a waiver may be granted for color vision deficiencies, it is ultimately up to the discretion of the Army and may be subject to change based on evolving operational requirements and policies.

Can you join the military with one eye?

Yes, it is possible to join the military with one eye, although there may be some restrictions on certain roles depending on the nature of the individual’s vision loss.

The military recognizes that individuals with disabilities, including vision impairments, can still make valuable contributions to the Armed Forces. The military has a long history of accommodating disabilities and ensuring that individuals with disabilities are not discriminated against in the recruitment and retention process.

Individuals with one eye who wish to join the military will typically undergo a medical evaluation to assess their overall health and fitness for service. The medical evaluation may also assess the individual’s visual acuity, depth perception, and ability to perform certain tasks related to their desired role.

While some roles may be off-limits for individuals with one eye due to safety concerns, such as certain aviation or combat roles, there are many other roles that may be available depending on the individual’s qualifications, skills, and interests.

It is important to note that the military is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, including those with vision impairments, to enable them to perform their duties effectively. This may include specialized equipment or modifications to the work environment.

The military welcomes individuals with disabilities, including those with vision impairments, and strives to ensure that all qualified individuals have the opportunity to serve their country to the best of their abilities.

Can colorblind people see camouflage?

Colorblindness can affect an individual’s ability to distinguish between certain colors, which may impact their ability to detect certain types of camouflage. However, it’s important to note that camouflage is designed to disrupt visual perception, making it difficult for anyone to detect, regardless of their color vision status.

Camouflage patterns are designed to blend into the environment and disrupt visual recognition by breaking up the outline of an object, using different colors and patterns to create a textured, natural appearance. While color vision can be helpful in detecting some types of camouflage, the overall effectiveness of camouflage is not solely dependent on color.

Individuals with color vision deficiencies may have difficulty distinguishing between certain colors used in camouflage patterns, which may impact their ability to detect certain objects or movements. However, they may still be able to detect changes in texture, brightness, or contrast that can indicate the presence of a concealed object.

Moreover, military personnel are trained to use other sensory cues, such as sound and movement, in addition to visual cues to detect potential threats. They are also trained to use other tools and technologies, such as night vision goggles and thermal imaging cameras, to aid in detection.

In summary, while color vision deficiencies may impact an individual’s ability to detect certain types of camouflage, the overall effectiveness of camouflage is not solely dependent on color. Military personnel are trained to use a variety of sensory cues and technologies to detect potential threats, including those that may be concealed by camouflage.

How to pass color blind camouflage test?

The colorblind camouflage test is designed to assess an individual’s ability to detect targets that are concealed by camouflage patterns. While color vision deficiencies may make it more difficult for some individuals to pass the test, there are several strategies that may increase their chances of success:

  1. Use texture cues: Camouflage patterns are designed to disrupt visual recognition by breaking up the outline of an object. However, the texture of the camouflage pattern may still provide some cues as to the location of a concealed object. Look for areas where the texture appears to be distorted or interrupted.
  2. Look for changes in brightness: Camouflage patterns are designed to blend into the environment, but they may not match the brightness of the surrounding area. Look for areas where the brightness appears to be slightly different from the surrounding area.
  3. Use context clues: The context of the scene may provide some clues as to the location of a concealed object. For example, if the scene is a forest, look for areas where a tree trunk or branch appears to be out of place.
  4. Use your other senses: While the camouflage test is primarily a visual test, other senses such as hearing and touch can also provide valuable information. Listen for sounds that may indicate the location of a concealed object, or feel for changes in the environment that may indicate the presence of an object.

It’s important to note that passing the colorblind camouflage test is not always necessary for military service. There are many roles in the military that do not require perfect color vision, and there are often accommodations that can be made for individuals with color vision deficiencies. Nonetheless, practicing these strategies may increase the chances of success on the test.


While the jury is still out on whether or not colorblindness contacts are a good fit for everyone, we believe that anyone who is curious about them should consider giving it a try. After all, if you’re going to be spending your life in service of the military, you deserve any chance at getting the most out of your experience.

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